Jan 9, 2017


A couple of car shows at the Fairgrounds.  Farmers market on Thursdays.  We wet to the Blue Nose coffee shop in downtown Farmington to use the internet.  Not a lot of extras at the Fairgrounds.

Jetty Park

Favorite eating places around Indian Harbour Beach

Neptune Bar and Grill

Sand on the Beach

Too Cool Café

Sand on the beach waffle with crab and shrimp

Patrick AirForce Base

There was thousands of dead fish washed ashore on the Banana River at Patrick AFB

Florida 2016

Jul 22, 2016


Kind of slacking off with this.  I did continue to take pictures. Some I have lost because my laptop died.  We spent December at the Patrick Air Force Base.  Were lucky to get a lot  as someone had just left.  For two days we were in a nice spot without sewer but that was okay. Then were moved to a spot that backed right up to the Banana River.  There were lots of activities going on there like coffee and do nuts on Thursday mornings. Karioke, dance lessons, craft meetings etc.  They had a nice Christmas party with lots of food.  We like it there!

Jan 4, 2016

Stark Gainsville KOA and Patrick AFB

Left Alabama after 25 days getting the coach fixed.  They did a beautiful job.  Spent the night in Dothan Flying J.  We stayed a few days in Stark Florida. Nice enough park but not much around there.  Continued on to Titusville for one night before arriving at Patrick AFB on December 2nd. We got lucky and they had a vacancy.  The park there was going a lot of construction. All parking spaces will eventually have full hook-ups. We got a lot with partial hook-ups but were moved over to a full hook-up space right by the river after about 4 days.  We stayed there until January 1st.  What a nice place.  Coffee and don-nuts every Thursday morning.  Christmas lunch on the 23rd with lasagna...everyone brought a dessert.  Christmas day we went to Perkins for turkey dinner.  We could watch the dolphins in the Banana River.  They would jump into a school of fish..fish would fly everywhere from the big splash.