Nov 23, 2009

Computers and snow villages etc

I have been working on putting up the Snow Village. Got a couple new tables. Trouble is the back row is out of my reach and it needs more stuff. Maybe Lenny can reach it. I don't want to take the tables apart because ..well it would be a lot of moving things. I found some blue stuff yesterday at Walmart that looks like water or ice so can have a little lake. I have an ice fishing shack and a dock so really needed a lake. Anyway I will take pictures soon. Then Friday my computer woiuld not open will in safe mode. I took it to BB because its under warranty and they said warranty does not cover so would be $130 for them to fix it. If I didn't have the warranty would be $200. Good deal, huh? I brought it home with me unfixed. I will try to do it myself some day when I have nothing else to do for an entire day or and consult Steve and B.I.L. After trying to use lenny's I decided his was ready to be retired. Its like 6 years old so probably ready to be retired. So I bought a new laptop.Does not seem much different from Vista. He is happy with the old computer, but guess if its all you use you don't know any different. My foot hurts. Plantar faciitis was the podiatrist is ready to be fired too. I got all my information from Googling it. She says you have to be careful because that information isn't always accurate." Well its all I have because you did not give me much information". THEN she gave me some information about it. But not enough so I may just continue to take advice from google and friends and relatives who had it or know someone who did. She did give me prescription for anti inflamitory drugs but my regular dr would probably do that. Its feels better if I wear shoes 24 hours a day and don't take long power walks. We are going to drive to New York on Wednesday. Lenny's Mom is such a good cook! Hope the weather doesn't give us a bad time. I always remember the terrible blizzard in Cleveland we drove through a few years ago. Stay tuned for Snow Village photos...then have to figure out the photo deal on the new computer. Can't have changed too much?! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!