Nov 8, 2015

REDBAY Alabama

We have been here for a week or so now..rainy almost all the time. Its not real cold though.  We are in line for the body shop at the Tiffin plant.  Hopefully this next week our turn will come up.  This town does not have a whole lot of stuff like restaurants. We have gone to the Steak house a couple times and Swamp Johns twice. We have been eating a lot of catfish and shrimp. Thats good.  Piggley Wiggley has a deli on week days..a three course meal for arouind $5.  Gets old though after a while. Tonight we are going to have burgers or chili or something cooked at home. I will be adding pictures when I get wifi. McDonalds has free wifi, other wise we are out of luck. Tuesday Direct TV comes to hook us up. We get three channels on the antenna..all three are PBS. This is a dry county...we dont drink so no problem. Can't buy lottery tickets in this state wither. Lots of churches but not much else. The Dollar Store seems busy..we are going to have to check it out and see what the attraction is. Two grocery stores and neither sells Chobani yogurt. They don't seem to have a lot of name brand anything.  Nice people..very friendly.  I upped my data on my iphone but still can't use it much. I am reading a LOT!!  We take little road trips to pass the time. We did tour the RV plant one day. Highly recommend that!  Still have not gone to the Coon Dog cemetery or the Rattlesnake saloon.

Oct 31, 2015

Point South, KOA RV park Yemmasee, Georgia

We did not stay long at this park.  Kind of met up with one of those TALL Georgia Pines.  The camp volunteer steered us into a tree.  Next time I will get out and watch instead of relying on one of those guys. We are going to have to go to Red bay to have it fixed at the Tiffin Plant. Small change of plans.

Oct 19, 2015

Beaufort, South Carolina

Road trip for today....Beaufort, South Carolina,  Second oldest city in the state after Charleston.  It was like a thirty minute drive from this park.  The downtown area is fun for shopping.  We just parked and walked around the shops and restaurants. We ate a seafood lunch at Q Barbecue.  The deck was full so had to eat indoors but that was okay.  We walked along a boardwalk and looked at all the boats docked there. A dolphin made an appearance but of course I could not get a picture of him. We went to a museum called the Arsenal and that was interesting.  There was so much more we could have done but ran out of time.

Oct 16, 2015

Still at Point South KOA

We had to move to a different lot today because the one we were in had been reserved for the weekend by someone else.  That is okay..the new spot is not as shady and no sewer hookup. We will just have to go to the dump before we leave. We plan to leave Wednesday.  This new spot is great because the wifi works sooooo much better. Got my prescription

figured out. I have been getting them by mail order but we are not going to be in one place long enough for the mail to arrive.  Just called my doctor and had him do a new prescription to Rite Aid and then can get it refilled where ever we are.  Only $4 for generic at Rite Aid so price is good.  We bought a new car dollie and its so pretty!  No more renting one and all that hassle.  Most of the U Haul ones are in bad condition too.  We may go to Beuford, S.C.   Its the second oldest city (after Charleston) in the state. There is also a marine base near here and a Campers world like 15 minutes away....maybe can get it all done before we leave the area Wednesday. The nearest grocery and the Rite Aid are like 12 miles away. When we went for groceries we stopped at Waffle House for a late breakfast.  Actually there is a closer Waffle House really near the park, but I don't know if I want to go there again so soon.

Oct 14, 2015

Yemassee, South Carolina Point South KOA

We thought we might only stay at this campground for a couple days but seeing how nice it is we are re-thinking this. It is called Point South Koa Park.  Lots of tall trees and shady.  The office is nice with a coffee shop and a wine bar. There are wine tasting offered every night.  They have pizza and wings as well.  We tried the pizza tonight because we just did not feel like going to the grocery store. Actually we will have to FIND a grocery store. Getting laundry done and just relaxing with some good TV.  Lenny has MSNBC so he is happy.  I have PBS so I am happy.  The wifi works about the same as the last park we were at. Look at the woods. I keep imaging the varmints in there, Snakes, alligators, bears???? The skinny vanilla latte in the Coffee shop was better than Starbucks.