Aug 31, 2015

Aug 29, 2015

We had a campfire again last night.  Nights have been chilly here the last few days, We went to the Trackside diner for breakfast this morning then went to Oneanta to look for small gifts for Avery and Troy for when we go visit them.  I bought a new little camera at Walmart.  A Samsung....pretty little red one.  I have been trying to figure it out with no directions. There is supposed to be an on-line manual but I can't find it.  So today we have to stop at Cecelia's and pick up Lenny's sunglasses and then go to Chennango to visit Chad's family.  We have not seen those two little ones since January. I will get to try out the new camera. My old one was lost when we moved. I will probably find it now that I bought another one,

Aug 27, 2015


Our friend Harley Davidson.  We went to visit him and Mike and Nancy last night in Norwich, New York. Thats a friendly look, I think.  It was nice to visit with them all.

Aug 26, 2015

More camp pictures

There is a face on the tree...reminds me of Wizard of Oz. There is a nice laundry room here with pool table, TV and comfy chairs.

Lilly The Camp Dog

Lilly is behind the desk working today....then she needs a treat for working so hard.

Aug 23, 2015

My Dad

My Dad, his brother in law and his brother.  Back in the olden days!  I dug this picture up out of my family tree for my sister, Bev.  She has a little grandson, Drew who is quite the ball player and she wanted to frame it for his room. 
This is Drew and his sister Kate.  They are so excited to be going to school!

Frog Pond

We took a drive over to the Frog Pond on Saturday afternoon. What a beautiful day! We bought some Pennsylvania peaches, nectarines, RED tomatoes, a green pepper and a do-nut for Lenny.  Oh, a cup of coffee to go with. We also talked to the baby pigs and little goats. A great place.

Blow Out

When were driving through Pennsylvania maybe 20 miles from Erie we heard a big bang. Our first thought was that something fell off a counter or out of a storage space in the coach..but noooo. Everything was in place. Then Lenny checked outside and seen left rear outside dual tire had blown. He had pulled over to the side of the busy highway and cars and trucks were screaming by without slowing down a bit.  He called out roadside service through State Farm. They could not help us out. After a bit as a nice young state trooper pulled up behind us. He managed to find us help in just a few minutes. Guess he has connections that a insurance company does not. After a while help had arrived with a new tire and it quickly got changed so we could be on our way down the highway like 4 hours later! God bless our cops!  Lenny has been dealing with the insurance company and they will reinburse him for the big $$$$$.  Still a matter of the little bit of damage to the side of the coach from the tire. That we will need an estimate on.
This is a nice enough park when you consider the pros and cons. A nice dog lives here She is a golden retriever named Lilly.  The wifi is very weak. Some times you get it and sometimes you don't. Its better than nothing.  We were told we could get two TV stations but that is not true. I set up the Roku after we had to make a trip to Oneanta to get a cable...the cable everyone has 50 of with the red/white/yellow plugs on each end. I did have 50 and sold them all at our sale. Netflix will not work. Amazon video does so Lenny is part way through Sopranos, which he has already seen.  I am watching Curb your Enthusiasm once in a while. CBSN repeats the news over and over again. We can however get the wifi most of the time, which saves on my data. 4 G's did not last me last month but it probably will be enough this month. Unadilla does not seem to have a restaurant. Sidney has the Trackside diner, which has good breakfasts. Their Friday special is mac & cheese. The portion is like a half gallon of it on a plate. We have not had that yet but Lenny might as he does like mac&cheese.  They have a Great American grocery and they do not let you get cash back with a debit card. Kmart lets a person get cash though so guess I will have to go there to do my banking without paying a ATM fee. Weekends are party time in this park but everyone seems ready to quit by 10 pm. so its not been annoying yet. There are many empty lots during the week. A lot of travelers seem to stop just for a night on their way traveling through. We have a different next door neighbor every night. We sure meet some interesting nice people. We learn a lot from them about Rv lifestyle. Lenny is fixing things lately. The door handle broke so he altered that to work until the part comes from Alabama. For a while there we could only open it from the inside so one of us always had to stay in.

KOA park Unadilla, New York

Aug 18, 2015

A few of the pictures from John's 80th birthday party on August 9th

Our first month of full time RV life.

We sold our house in Michigan. It was on the market a little over two weeks. We had very little time to sell a lot of our furniture and excess "stuff".  We had a sale for a total of seven days and we were both exhausted when it was over. What did not sell was given to Good Will, Damascus House and Habitat for Humanity.  We took off for Minnesota. We managed to find a place to park at the Dakota County fair grounds in Farmington.  We stayed there 18 days then went to St Croix Bluffs regional park. What a beautiful place.  While in Minnesota we were able to spend time with the kids, other family members and old friends.

Aug 15, 2015

Overnight in Battle Creek Michigan.  So tired of driving on bumpy bad roads!  Michigan politicians should be ashamed of the road conditions in this state. The Cracker barrel did not do well either..the noise level is always bad, of course, but food was too.  The only good thing is the size of the parking lots are good for parking. Time to hit the road and head for Monroe.  I will be glad when we are out of this state.

Aug 14, 2015

Our home!

Full time RVers now

We are now full time RVers. So far it's been mostly good except for being without internet service at times. Right now I am using up valuable data. I will have to catch up on what we did the first month of our new lifestyle. Seems like we did a lot! Right now , month two, we left Minnesota yesterday. Spent last night at the worlds biggest truck stop in Walcott, Iowa. Plenty of parking designated for RVers. We ran across the busy highway to Grandmas kitchen for dinner. Slept great and got a Caribou coffee in the truck stop where they sell everything imaginable. On the road just crossed into Illinois. 160 miles to Chicago and will avoid the bad traffic there. Orange barrels!