Jun 23, 2009

For The Love Of All Thats Holy!

For the love of all thats Holy! It is sure hot and will be hotter tomorrow. Kassie uses that expression.."For The Love of all thats holy". It just struck me as funny. Poor Kass has the flu (we think SWINE). Kerry had it last week. Times like that I am glad to be many miles away, although I think we had it earlier when we had the two month cough. Its so hot I bought a pkg of english muffins rather than bake bread. I have not bought bread products in many months but just did not want to run the oven. I had not written in this blog for so long that I had to stop and think what was my password. Been into facebook lately. I reconnected with several friends tht I had not communicated with much in years. I really enjoy the entire family that keep things lively on there also. My kids, neices and nephews are all very funny people..at least they keep me laughing. All the quizzes show up everyones true selves because we know they are all very accurate!!! NOT!!! Well, I better go check my farm. I think I should have something to harvest soon.

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