Dec 22, 2008

New York, here we come!

I am half packed. We will be up around 2 a.m. tomorrow I suppose to go to Toledo. Our train leaves around 4 a.m. Our weather is good today and supposed to be okay tomorrow. Our last train ride was on the dinner train in Stillwater. That ride is about 3 hours long and you are served a wonderful 5 course meal. A group dressed in 1940's clothing including army uniforms stroll through the dining car and sing world war II songs. Very nice and entertaining. I heard that they went out of business but may have started up again. Anyway, I don't think we will be serenaded on this trip, but the food in the dining car may be very (expensive) good. There is a cafe car too with sandwiches etc served all day.We will decide tomorrow where we will dine. I am packing trail mix and granola bars for emmergency use. I think those trains can plow through a lot of snow, but you never know. I am just glad we are not driving. We still have an hour or so drive from Albany to Afton. Got extra batteries for my solitare IPOD is my book and a spare in case I finish it so we are ready! May everyone have a Happy Christmas!

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