Dec 28, 2008


All these years whenever the sisters got together we had to have a "sister's photo". These are a couple of the better ones. Don't you love those glasses? Remember the matching nightgown photo? I will have to find that one! Yesterday I finally got around to scanning photos that Bev loaned to me for the Family Tree. If anyone has some photos they would like included you can email them to me. I am still experimenting on the best way to add them to the FT web page. Some of the old ones scan showing a lot of red color in them. All I have for a photo editing software now that I have Vista is Piccassa, which is okay but they recently changed it and I have not quite figured out the new way of doing things. Was that one taken at my house? I kinda remember those drapes and that funny seems so long ago. If it was not at my house I have to say the drapes are lovely and I LOVE the lamp.

1 comment: said...

Looks like nice firm chins, no soft grandma chins. I do not remember such glasses but they looked 'normal' then. Or maybe even cool, with it.