Feb 3, 2009
Weight watchers today
I made it to the WW meeting..only had moments to spare because I got interested in my email and didn't leave when I should have. Then had to stop and wait for 2 very long trains. Anyway I lost 5.4 this week, my first week ( its probably all water weight) I will not expect it every week of course. It kind of surprised me. Our scale is old and not accurate. Seems everything we own is old and inaccurate sometimes. I did get a new mixer with my Kohl's gift card. I hope it lasts as long as the last one. Makes me think I should make cookies or something. I DO NOT eat them even when I am not dieting. My BFF loves oatmeal raisin cookies so maybe I will make him some and surprise him. He is not fat so can eat them. He works a long day on Tuesdays so won't see him until 8-9 p.m. I got an email from a cousin(of my kids) several times removed who needs information on Jemima Hunter. A "lotsa greats" grandmother of my kids. Isn't her name neat? Her first child was born a couple months after her marriage, not uncommon even in those days. I do have a picture of the log cabin in Eden Lake that her granddaughter, Susie Shew was born in. Some Indian stories also which I have yet to add to the on the web FT site. Susie would be a great grandmother to my kids. I like her name too. Susie Shew..sounds like a nursery rymne. So this afternoon I have to get some information together for our new-found relative again. We sure are related to a LOT of people. I may try Alison's chix recipe as well as Kerry's meat loaf recipe. Both sound good.
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