Apr 26, 2009


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Cherry Tree

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Still coughing. More stuff blooming.

When I had allergy tests I was allergic to everything. That included trees, grass, mold,everything. One of the cherry trees is blooming today. I hope we get some cherries this year. They are really good and sweet. Trouble is unless we put netting over them the birds eat them faster than we can. Sarge is back cleaning vehicles again. Trouble there is he is more concerned over his work van than he is about my car. Notice he is wearing the Mickey Mouse T shirt that the Cute Munchkin brought him from Disney World. He got teased at the coffee shop for wearing a Mickey Mouse T shirt. He said "someone very special" bought this for me. He does wear it a lot. He looks good in green instead of his usual black Harley T shirts. My FarmTown addiction is heating up. We got a couple new family members hooked on it too. Lauren and Susie. They both got the genetics for farming as their farms are very nice. Celeste and Jim are the poor performers. They act like they don't care about this little game. Kate's farm looked very good. Kathy is doing okay too. Anyway they added an upgrade so my little Twit (me, I guess) has a house to live in and doesn't have to hide between the silos anymore. Alison, Brock, David P. deserve honorable mention too. I hardly ever play Scrabble or Solitare anymore. Just don't have time with the harvesting.

Apr 18, 2009


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Magnolia Tree

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Saturday at our house

A good day for washing cars. So far only the "work" van is done. It probably never has been cleaned, just run through the car wash. The magnolia tree is in full bloom. It gets blossums and then leaves after it is through blooming. Also daffidils are blooming. I think spring is really here. The trees all have buds so should be leafed out soon. I am on level 23 in FarmTown. I think it may get boring when I have reached the highest level. There are millions of people playing this game from all over the world. There are two people in our family (neighbors of mine on farm Town) who shall remain nameless, BUT they are not very good farmers!!! Makes you just want to go over to their farms and clean them up. Oh well, not everyone is cut out for farm life.

Apr 12, 2009

Serious Addiction

I am confessing that I have an addiction..NOT cigarettes! NOT booze! maybe food and coffee a little bit, but not so much. I am addicted to Farm Town on Facebook. I laughed at Kerry when she got hooked..how silly! Then she kept sending me trees and animals so I HAD to have a farm to take care of them and now I am totally obsessed. I am on level 16 and only need 60 pts to be able to buy more land to expand my farm. Also need $25,000 to buy the land. I bought a barn yesterday and I was so excited. This is all pretend and a game but it is also a challenge. I did take time off from farming today to put a ham, au gratin potatoes and corn in the oven. Thats it! No pies or sweets. We don't even have any chocolate. After web camming the Munchkin this morning and she informed me she was having chocolate for breakfast I almost went to the store to buy chocolate...but I did not. Congratulations to Janet, Eric and Drew. I am excited by their good news. Have a wonderful Easter everyone.

Apr 6, 2009


Cough, cough, cough. Thats all you would hear around here if you even came into this germ-wracked house. I am soooo tired of coughing. Sarge is over it. He so smugly says that I probably have 5 more days of it. Well,thanks a lot! He is the one I caught it from. We don't know who gave it to him or we would go beat him up. I took my last Z pack antibiotic this morning. I guess I am some better, just wanted to whine. His Mom came through the surgery fine, although she had some pain etc...still does, but she is home from the hospital and getting stronger. I complain about a cough and she went through so much. We won't be going to NY for a couple weeks because Sarge has a heavy work schedule the next couple weeks while a co-worker goes on vacation. We would not be able to fly there this week with Easter and spring break travel, besides not wanting to spread the cough crud. We had taco salad for dinner tonight. I have to try some of the WW recipes I guess as I am running out of ideas. Had snow flurries this morning. Grass is real green and trees are getting buds. I think winter should be over.