Apr 26, 2009

Still coughing. More stuff blooming.

When I had allergy tests I was allergic to everything. That included trees, grass, mold,everything. One of the cherry trees is blooming today. I hope we get some cherries this year. They are really good and sweet. Trouble is unless we put netting over them the birds eat them faster than we can. Sarge is back cleaning vehicles again. Trouble there is he is more concerned over his work van than he is about my car. Notice he is wearing the Mickey Mouse T shirt that the Cute Munchkin brought him from Disney World. He got teased at the coffee shop for wearing a Mickey Mouse T shirt. He said "someone very special" bought this for me. He does wear it a lot. He looks good in green instead of his usual black Harley T shirts. My FarmTown addiction is heating up. We got a couple new family members hooked on it too. Lauren and Susie. They both got the genetics for farming as their farms are very nice. Celeste and Jim are the poor performers. They act like they don't care about this little game. Kate's farm looked very good. Kathy is doing okay too. Anyway they added an upgrade so my little Twit (me, I guess) has a house to live in and doesn't have to hide between the silos anymore. Alison, Brock, David P. deserve honorable mention too. I hardly ever play Scrabble or Solitare anymore. Just don't have time with the harvesting.

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