Apr 6, 2009


Cough, cough, cough. Thats all you would hear around here if you even came into this germ-wracked house. I am soooo tired of coughing. Sarge is over it. He so smugly says that I probably have 5 more days of it. Well,thanks a lot! He is the one I caught it from. We don't know who gave it to him or we would go beat him up. I took my last Z pack antibiotic this morning. I guess I am some better, just wanted to whine. His Mom came through the surgery fine, although she had some pain etc...still does, but she is home from the hospital and getting stronger. I complain about a cough and she went through so much. We won't be going to NY for a couple weeks because Sarge has a heavy work schedule the next couple weeks while a co-worker goes on vacation. We would not be able to fly there this week with Easter and spring break travel, besides not wanting to spread the cough crud. We had taco salad for dinner tonight. I have to try some of the WW recipes I guess as I am running out of ideas. Had snow flurries this morning. Grass is real green and trees are getting buds. I think winter should be over.

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