Sep 24, 2015

Going to Virginia

We left New York on September 21, 2015. A Monday. We had to wait to pick up our mail that was forwarded from Minnesota.  It looked like it had been dropped in a puddle and jumped on. It was readable so no big deal!  We left Afton about 3 o'clock. For a change we stopped for the night early while it was actually still light out. We spent the night at a TA truckstop. We had dinner at the truck stop.  I remember why I don't like to eat there. We got up early and ate breakfast across the highway at a Perkins. We stopped to refuel case anyone wonders about that.  Just topping it off in Pennsylvania.  We did get to Virginia without filling up again. A friendly couple pulled into the pump next to us with a 2015 Allegro Bus.  What a beautiful motorhome that it.  Lenny would love to have one of those! They had their car painted to match the motorhome.  I believe we seen them in Bainbridge at the RV rally there.  Small world. Anyway a couple hours later they passed us on the highway honking a greeting as they went by.  Later yet we stopped at a rest stop and there they were. Wonder if we will ever see them again.

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