Jan 18, 2009

Lazy Sunday

We just hung out here at home all day. Well, Lenny did remove snow so he wasn't too lazy. I made sourdough waffles again, cutting the recipe in half so didn't have so much extra for no body to eat. They were better than last week if thats possible. Then for dinner I made homemade pizza. I did a yeast crust from my favorite cookbook called the Bread Bible. Then used leftover chicken from last night, with some garlic alfredo sauce, artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms,red onion and cheese, of course. I was going to put spinach on it but decided that would be too much stuff. It was excellent. I will have to cut that recipe in half too or see if I can freeze half the dough. It has warmed up a bit and more snow is expected...I am excited!

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