Jan 9, 2009

The Saga of the Sourdough & Trisha's Lasagna

Well I made the black bean lasagna. I forgot I used one of my cans of black beans in the taco salad the night before so used one can and one can of pinto beans. That recipe didn't have any meat in it but it sure had a $#@- load of cheese! I didn't realize just how much until I started making it. It is not exactly good for the diet but it sure tasted good. It made a 9x13 pan full and there is only two of us.So guess if I make it again it will be for more people or I will cut it in half. I have 3 large containers of it taking up room in the freezer. Then the sour dough. I did not figure out the "time" issue before I started. The first waiting time was 10 to 12 hours which brought us to 10 p.m. Too late to turn back and I didn't want to wreck my precious starter that cost me $6. The next time it needed attention was at 2 a.m. so I set the alarm and got up. Then it said to let it ferment for another two to four hours, but I overslept until 8 a.m. Didn't seem to be much harm done to it but how would I know. Anyway each time I was supposed to divide the mixture in half and discard the other half and mix flour and water in the remaining half. I thought why should I discard half, after all it cost me $6..so ended up with six containers of starter this morning. I condensed it down to four. I made bread with half of one so I have a refrigerator full of sourdough starter and a freezer full of black bean lasagna. The loaves didn't look too bad before baking but they got a little odd shaped while baking. I will probably end up discarding some. Sunday I will use some to make waffles. We won't need bread for a few days. Oh,the bread tasted great! I don't know what I will do tomorrow when we are snowed in if I can't bake bread. We are supposed to get up to 11 inches and it is coming down hard now. We may put away the snow village. We don't have to go out tomorrow and we have plenty of food to eat.

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