Jan 29, 2009

The subject is FOOD

I stole this photo of the Foot Network from another Michigan blogger, The Luna Pier Cook. If you read his blog maybe he won't sue me. He writes some very interesting and often humerous blogs. You can tell he is a good cook. Anyway I suppose the subject of the day on the Foot Network was recipes using Foot Products. Like maybe Pickled Pigs feet or Calves Foot jelly. Maybe Ham Hocks although I am not real sure what a hock is and I am a former farm girl who was once married to a butcher. Notice photo of brother and me trying to decide what the heck a hock is. I LOVEEEEE the Food network. I cannot bear to watch Giada pronouncing mo-zza-REL-la to prove how Italian she is. Switch channel. Paula Deen is my favorite, you all. The first ingredient is "a stick of butter" you all. I like Guy and his diners, drive-ins and dives because I have been to a few of them. Love his hair! I am planning to put the now famous waffle recipe on this blog. Maybe both recipes although I am not sure anyone wants to make sour-dough unless they want to stay up all night to feed it. The other one has buttermilk, which I am willing to bet is not a staple food item in anyones fridge. I used the powdered stuff. I can have waffles on WW if I eat just one and just have sugarless fruit or sugarless syrup, which I do even when I am not dieting. I have to find some WW recipes. Kerry sends them to me once in a while and she has lost 25 lbs. Yayyyyy For Kerry.


Childers.com said...

Agree, YEA! for Kerry. Share some of the WW recipes with us.

Dave said...

Hey, that's my photo! Oh, wait ... no it's not ... where'd it go? ;-) Feel free to use the Foot Network photo. I'm just waiting for them to mess up again ... BTW, I''ve moved Luna Pier Cook to: http://www.micuisine.com/lunapiercook/