Jan 7, 2009

Sour dough and German relatives

I got my sour dough starter. I have to read the directions on how to make it now. The little jar of sour dough looks a little strange. Its began its life over 250 years ago. Thats what it says. And we plan to eat it??!! It also says the sharp astringent odor is normal. To get it working I need All Purpose flour. I only have bread flour at the moment. Also need bottled chlorine free water. We have one of those PUR water things on our faucet but to be safe and not ruin it I better go buy some bottled water. I have to go buy AP flour anyway. I think it takes a couple days to get it ready to use so I will have time to find a recipe. I have lots of cookbooks so should be no problem. Oh, there is a recipe on back of the directions. This should be interesting. I am actually baking very good bread these days. The first loaf I made we used to throw at the squirrels to keep them out of the bird feeders. Way more deadly than the pellet gun. Then I had an email this morning from Nils my new found relative in Germany. We are exchanging information. I think I have more information on his branch of the family than he does, but he is in a better position to research than I am, being he is in Mecklenberg, Germany. Yesterday I cleaned cupboards and the fridge and threw out some old things. I bought a new thing of cinnamon and realized how much more flavorful it was than the old huge economy size I bought 8 years ago. From now on I will buy just small containers. Now isn't my new sourdough jar cute? Stay tuned to see how this project turns out. Will it be fit to eat???

1 comment:

Childers.com said...

You are turning into a little Betty Crocker with a past.